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“The Magic Of Mini”

Client: Apple @apple

Agency: TBWA WORLDWIDE @tbwa

Prod: Pretty Bird @prettybirdpic

Dir: Calmatic @calmatic

Editor: Nate Gross @thenategross

“Walk With Johnnie”

Client: Johnnie Walker @johnniewalker

Agency: Taproot Dentsu, Mumbai

Dir: Misha Ghose @mishaghose

DP: Yash Khanna @brown__bread__ & Aditya Kapur @adityaroykapur

Edit: Suraj Jagtap @sharpavid_cut

Color: Xavi Santolaya

“Running Is A Gift”

Client: Tracksmith Running @tracksmithrunning

Dir: Emily Maye @emilymaye

DP: Dustin Miller @dustmiller

Edit: Catherine Bull @cocopj

Color: Kath Raisch @kathraisch

“Raymond & Robbi On Becoming a Family”

Client: Pantene @pantene

Agency: Townhouse @townhouseww

Prod: Unit 9 @unit9films

Dir: Matthew Puccini @matthewpuccini

Edit: Stacy Peterson @laikasp @cutandrunedit

“Mirror Affirmations”

Client: Masterclass @masterclass

Agency: Anomaly @anomaly

Dir: Jenn Nkiru @jennnkiru

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