The first Ad/Branded roundup of the year is here! Kickoff the new year with work from our FREE THE WORK community below!
Have you been apart of a project? Send your work for consideration here!
“Family Diary”
Client: Whatsapp @whatsapp
Agency: BBDO New York @bbdony
Prod: ANORAK Film @anorak_film
Dir: Joanna Nordahl @joannanordahl
DP: Tim Lorentzén @tmlorntzn
Edit: Emma Backman @emmaohsnap
Color: Joakim Rissveds @joakimriss
“We Watched It All”
Client: Netflix @netflix
Agency: AKQA @akqa
Prod: Anonymous Content @anoncontent
Dir: Nadia Lee Cohen @nadialeelee
DP: Frank Mobilio @frankmobilio
Edit: Jamie Foord @double0rd & Rock Paper Scissors @rockpaperscissorseditorial
Color: Ricky Gausis @rickygausis & Moving Picture Company @movingpicturecompany
“2021 Lexus IS: Vanity Plates”
Client: Lexus @lexususa
Agency: Team One USA @teamoneusa
Prod: SOMESUCH @somesuchandco
Dir: Abteen @abteen
DP: Oilver Millar @oli_millar
Edit: Isaac Chen @isaacschen & Cabin Edit @cabinedit
Color: Dave Hussey @davehussey & Comapany 3 @company_3
Client: Onstar @onstar
Dir: Lissa Gunning @gunning8
“Missing Code”
Client: Girls Who Code @girlswhocode
Agency: Mojo Super Market @mojosupermarket
Prod: Division 7 @wearedivision7
Dir: Sone Juhi @sonejuhi
Animation: Shy Kids @shykids_