Capping off the first month of 2021 with a brand new ads/branded content roundup from our FREE THE WORK community!

Have you been apart of a project? Send your work for consideration here!

“Black &6Teen”

Client: FBB @footballbeyondborders

Agency: Dark Horses @darkhorsesldn

Prod: Caviar

Dir: Lainey Richardson @laineyfromlondon

DP: Jake Gabbay @jake_gabbay

Edit: Hasani Franke @haas3503 & Art Jones @work_by_art_at_work & Work Editorial @workeditorial

Poem: Abi Simms @abisimms_x

“2021 Ford Bronco Sport: Find Your Wild"

Client: Ford @ford

Agency: Wieden+Kennedy @wiedenkennedy

Prod: Imperial Woodpecker

Dir: Lisa Gunning @gunning8

DP: Nicolas Restrepo @nicrestrepo

Edit: Matt Burke / Joint Editorial @jointpdx

Color: Kath Raisch @kathraisch / Company 3 @company_3

“Best Buy BLM”

Client: Best Buy @bestbuy

Agency: Wunderman Thompson @wunthompson

Edit: Oliver Best & Nomad Editing Company @nomadeditco

Color: Brandon Haynes @bhaynesphoto & Guerrilla Wolf @guerrillawolfco

“The Build”

Client: Burt's Bees @burtsbees

Agency: Dentsu McGarrybowen Chicago @dentsumb_chi

Prod: EPOCH. @epoch_films

Dir: Emma Westenberg @emma.westenberg

DP: Douwe Hennink @douwehennink

PD: Elza Kroonenberg @elzakroonenberg

“Babbel means more…”

Client: Babbel @babbel

Agency: MediaMonks @mediamonks

Prod: Tantor Films @tantorfilms

Dir/Edit: Marie Schuller @marieschuller

DP: Neus Olle @la_neus

Color: Jax Harney @jaxharney

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