Hate the shorter days? Us too. Here's a flash of sunshine for your day.
Want to be featured? Send it over for consideration here!
Artist: King Princess @kingprincess69
Dir: Quinn Wilsonn @quinnwilsonn
DP: Russ Fraser @russfraser
PD: Tyler Evans @rtylerevans
Edit: Sam Allen @stitchediting
Color: Richard Fearon @blackkitestudios
Prod: Object & Animal @objectandanimal
Artist: Texas Band @texastheband & Wu Tang Clan @wutangclan
Dir: Fenn @fenn_omeally
DP: Molly Walker @maamw
Edit: Charlie Rotberg @rotnug
Color: Jospeh Bicknell @josephbicknell
Prod: SMUGGLER @smugglersite
"Lonely Cowgirl"
Artist: TRØÜBL€ ₩ANT€D @troublewanted
Dir: Lydia Garnett @lydia_garnett
DP: Ben Marshall @benmarshall.dop
Edit: Isaac Lock @isaacjlock
Color: Karol Cybulski @imkarol.colour & CHEAT @cheat_it
Prod: SOMESUCH @somesuchandco
Artist: Loshh Aje @loshhaje
Dir: Sekou Abineri @sekouabineri
DP: Kai Nguyen @kaiblamey_
Edit: Justine Miel @justine.miel
Color: Nigel @nxcolour
Artist: d'acCHORd Köln @dacchord & Ólafur Arnalds @olafurarnalds
Dir/edit: Sylvia Borges @sylvia_borges_
DP: Sabine Panossian @sabine_panossian