Let's get back into the groove of things with another edition of music videos from our FTW community!

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“Not the End of the World”

Artist: Katy Perry @katyperry (starring Zooey Deschanel @zooeydeschanel)

Dir: SIMILAR BUT DIFFERENT @similarbutdifferent_

DP: Isaac Bauman @isaacbauman

PD: Emma Rose Mead @emmarosemead

Edit: Stephania Dulowski @stephania.dulowksi

Color: Jenny Montgomery @jennymontgomery & Company 3 @company_3

Prod: Daniel Yaяо @yaro___ & division7 @wearedivision7 & North of Now Studio @northofnowfilms

EP: Elizabeth Doonan @elizabethdoonan

“Deal With It”

Artist: Ashnikko @ashnikko feat. Kelis @kelis

Dir: Charlotte Rutherford @charlie__chops

DP: Madeline Kate Kann @madeline.kate.kann

Color: Parker Jarvie @parkerjarvie & Company 3 @company_3

Prod: rubbertape @rubbertape & Agile Films @agilefilms & Hayley Williams @hayleylwilliams


Artist: Jerreau @jerreau feat. B.J. The Chicago Kid @bjthechicagokid

Dir: Breyona Holt @exquisite_eye

DP/Edit: Ryan DeForeest @deforeest

Prod: Exquisite Eye Studios @exquisiteeyestudios & Alexandria Elizabeth @aemazzing


Artist: Dylan Conrique @dylanconrique feat. Noak Hellsing @noakhellsing

Dir: Blythe Thomas @_blythethomas

DP: Julia Swain @juliaswain & Emil Larsson @emllrsn

PD: Genevieve Andrews @notgenevieveandrews

Color: Bundy #tfbundy

Prod: Dreambear @drmbear

EP: Video Tape @video_tape

“All Hands on Deck”

Artist: Heather Porcaro @hporcaro

Dir: Ariana Delawari @arianadelawari

DP: Andressa Cordeiro @andressacor

Edit: Max Goldblatt @tothemaxxx

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