Below, we’ve compiled a list of tips to keep in mind when adding videos to your FREE THE WORK profile:

1. All videos on FREE THE WORK must be hosted on Vimeo or Youtube—that means no Wiredrive links, no URLs of videos embedded within your personal site/a production company’s website, or links to videos hosted on any other platform. Just Vimeo or Youtube URLs, please! 🙂

2. To function properly on FREE THE WORK, all video permissions must be publicly viewable. Any videos that are set to private or otherwise not viewable within the FREE THE WORK site will end up being removed.

3. Once you’ve uploaded a video, be sure to label it with all relevant tags, so it will appear in searches and can be included in personalized recommendations for our users. If any other FREE THE WORK creators also worked on this piece (directors, editors, colorists, composers, DOPs or screenwriters), you can tag their profiles, too.

4. Be sure to choose a strong thumbnail image for your video—we strongly recommend using text-free images for your video’s thumbnail.

5. If you create some incredible new work that you want the world to see, or if you change your mind about what videos you’d like to include on your profile, don’t worry! You are welcome to change the videos on your profile, along with any other profile content, at any time.

We hope these guidelines help you to create the best-looking version of your profile possible.

If you have any further questions, our team is always happy to help out—contact us at [email protected] with all inquiries about your profile!

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