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Our founder, superstar, queen bee, and everything in between Alma Har'el's feature debut Honey Boy is officially out in the U.S. Friday November 8!

We had an amazing time this week hanging with the FTW Fam at special pre-release screenings for the stunning film, held in partnership with our friends at Amazon Studios. To name a few supporters at our screenings, we had Spike Jonze, Joey Soloway, and Shia LaBeouf.

Feeling the FOMO? Well, make sure you head to the theater soon to experience Honey Boy!

Saturday, November 2 @ Neuehouse Hollywood

Our Saturday screening was a knockout, with a packed theater, mini pies from IHEARTCOMIX, and an appearance from Shia LaBeouf himself.


"I watched [my father] watch [Honey Boy] on a webcam. And he didn't say much on the other side, like he wasn't verbose about it. But his face told me [everything]. And he felt like I saw him."

-Shia LaBeouf

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"I got a photo of [Shia] watching his dad crying . . . and I cried. It was a pretty good review [of the film]."

-Alma Har'el

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Left to right: Anita Gou & Joanna Popper; Sam Spiegel, Aya Tanimura, Megan Baltimore, Spike Jonze, & Amanda Adelson; Byron Bowers & Alma Har'el

Wednesday Nov 6 @ Arclight Hollywood

We filled a 400-seat theater and welcomed members from all over the community to watch Honey Boy, followed by an in-depth panel moderated by FTW Executive Director, Emma Reeves.

Monica Salazar touched on how Honey Boy was actually the first feature-length film she's ever edited, and comedian Byron Bowers brought the house down laughing with his story about how he got involved in the film: "Typical Hollywood story. I'm at home, doing drugs, the phone rings…they're looking for somebody and they called the wrong number. And they was like, 'We like your voice, why won't you [be in Honey Boy]?'"

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"My parents were psychoanalysts. So anything to do with therapy [fascinated me] . . . My heart was with this project. I didn't want to do anything else."

– Natasha Braier

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"They walked me into this tiny trailer, I thought they was about to ambush me. I came out with pajamas on and we shot a film."

-Byron Bowers

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Thanks again to everyone who came through! To those who couldn't make it this time around, don't worry! FTW will host many more screenings for many more films in the future. It only gets better from here!

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