What questions should we ask ourselves as creators to both honestly and ethically represent the effects of violence without re-traumatizing audiences, or desensitizing them? This panel discussion is a case study of Array's film The Body Remembers When The World Broke Open.


Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Writer/Director/Actress of The Body Remembers When The World Broke Open

Kimberly Bautista, Executive Director of Justice for My Sister

Moderated by: Janet Arelis Quezada

If you missed it on November 23rd, check out the full panel below!

*The views and opinions of the guests do not necessarily state or reflect those of Free the Work.
About Justice for My Sister: Through a public arts program and video production training for women of color and LGBTQ young adults, the Justice for My Sister Collective (JFMSC) creates safe spaces within marginalized communities to use audiovisual format to advocate for issues important to them. We aim to build the skills and professional development of local artists who are advocates for gender equality, anti-racism, and inclusion. Ultimately, our work aims to train young professionals of color, LGBTQ folks, and other historically underrepresented voices in video production to change the face of Hollywood, so that it centers voices of diverse advocates for gender equality who have a vested interest in ending all forms of gender-based violence.
JFMS Panel Photo
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